I admit it. I squirrel away books for the winter. Do you?
As I write this, the man of the house is in the living room watching Game 4 between the San Francisco Giants and the Los Angeles Dodgers in the 2021 NLDS Best-of-5. Go Dodger Blue!
I’m in my study, surrounded by full bookshelves as the fireplace puts out a pleasant warmth.
It’s 43 degrees outside, winds clock in at 15 mph, and rain mixed with snow tap dances on the windows to the tune of deep crackling thunder. It’s 7:45 p.m. This storm will last until bedtime, at least.
It’s the perfect fall evening to crack open a book (but what evening isn’t perfect for that?) and cuddle up with a favorite blankie in front of the fireplace with a warm beverage (or at least one that will warm the insides) and maybe a cookie or some freshly popped corn.
I’ve been preparing for this night for weeks. More accurately, I’ve been preparing for fall and winter for weeks. Not by harvesting or canning or otherwise preserving food. Not by winterizing the house and the yard. Not by checking our home’s heating system or by doing anything else homeowners are advised to do to prepare for the cold weather.
Nope, none of that.
I’ve been preparing by gathering books to last me through until spring.
Surely I’m not the only reader that does this, right?
I don’t do this any other time of year, and I don’t know why I do it this time of year particularly. It’s not like I consciously say to myself, It’s time to start storing up books for the winter. Without thought or prompting, I just start perusing books in August and choosing the books I’ll read during the dark, cold season. And I usually have enough to go beyond that time as well.
My TBR (to be read) books take up a couple of shelves, and then some. And besides the TBRs on my shelves, I’m waiting delivery of a few more I ordered online. There are also at least 20 on my Kindle and 12 I’m on the wait list for at my local library, and I’m sure that list will grow throughout the winter. Yeah, it’ll be a good season.
All this book gathering is my version of preparing for the winter hibernation, like a bear. And storing nuts, like a squirrel. Having a healthy TBR stash is what feeds my power. I am fortunate and wealthy beyond measure when my book stockpile runneth over.
So since the weather is especially perfect for this right now, you’ll have to excuse me while I get a warm drink and a blankie and park myself in front of the fireplace while I finish reading Horseman: A Tale of Sleepy Hollow, by Christina Henry (which is really good and out of my usual reading realm, perfect for tonight).
I just wish I’d bought that ginger cookie I saw at the Barnes and Noble Café today. Dare I visit tomorrow to get one for tomorrow night? I might. And just think — while I’m there, I could pick up another book or two or three! A reader’s gotta read.
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