Wren Reads Tarot checks in with you about The Fool — our card for 2021 — and how it’s fitting in your year so far

Wren Wright
6 min readJun 30, 2021


The Fool tarot card from the Rider Tarot Deck, illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith.

Back on New Year’s Day, I posted the tarot card for the year on my Wren Reads Tarot Facebook page. Since we’re midway through the year, let’s do a quick check on how we’re all doing.

I hope you didn’t set any New Year’s resolutions for 2021 but instead identified some goals you’ll be working on. Maybe you’ve already accomplished one or two, and maybe you’ve added others. And if this is the first you’re reading about our card of the year, and if you haven’t set any goals for yourself, it isn’t too late to set them now.

Here’s that New Year’s post.

Oh, and below the post I’ll talk a little more about setting goals, so keep reading.

Happy New Year! Or, as a friend recently said: Happy Anything But 2020. 😂

The Fool card from The Dark Mansion Tarot, illustrated by Magdalena Kaczan.

After a thorough shuffle (like usual), the card that came up to represent the dominant energy for 2021 is The Fool. The card pictured is from The Dark Mansion Tarot. I chose this deck because the illustrations are colorful, the depictions lighthearted. Some of them make me laugh out loud. I mean, look at that little dog tugging on The Fool’s rope! And isn’t that bird the cutest? Even The Fool himself (or is it a herself?) is downright goofy. Anyway, after the year we’ve had, we deserve some fun in whatever form we can get it.

The Fool is about presence, trust, innocence, starting out, persevering no matter what, knowing when to stop or alter course, embracing change, knowing everything and nothing and still being willing to engage whatever calls to us. This is what’s called for, especially this year. We must extend these principles to all areas of our lives — social, political, intellectual, career, financial, spiritual.

While it’s important to be present, especially this year, it’s also important to have somewhat of an idea of where you might be headed. So this year, try something different: no more New Year resolutions! Instead, SET PERSONAL GOALS.

I realize there’s a bit of a disconnect here when I told you to persevere no matter what and at the same time know when to stop or alter course. Here’s the trick: do not be attached to the result or the outcome of your goals. Do not! Remember, these goals are not associated with your job — they’re personal goals! They’re things you want to do, not things you have to do. They’re things that call to you. Have you always wanted to paint a perfect cloud? Write that down as one of your goals. How about learning to make lasagna? Go to more museums? Help the homeless? Figure out what you want to do and write it down. Personal goal setting is meant to be fun, fulfilling, and sometimes to push your boundaries. A goal can be a baby step, a giant leap, or anything in between. And a personal goal is never stressful.

The Fool card from the Cosmic Tarot, by Norbert Losche.

And get this — be sure to set goals in different areas of your life: social, intellectual, physical, spiritual, family, financial, career. Choose one, some, all, or add your own categories. Keep track throughout the year. Adjust the goals as necessary (many of my 2020 goals were axed due to the pandemic) and be okay with it. Remember, it’s your life, your chance for new beginnings of all kinds. Have fun with it.

And as far as being present, what this means is to notice what’s happening in the current moment, nonjudgmentally, and to experience it, even if it means you have to put it on hold until you get home from the grocery store. It’s okay to put it off a little, but it also means honoring it by going back to it as soon as you can. Being present means recognizing what’s in front of you — the good, the unhealthy, the neutral, the cruel and merciless, the doubt, the mystery, the not-knowing and all that goes with it. Follow your bliss and follow the woundedness in you. Turn toward the present in front of you, for that’s what it is — a gift.

In 2021, we are all Fools. The Fool recognizes she’s no longer on solid ground, so greet the void, look toward the sky, and go! This is the year.

Now, about setting your goals . . .

Here’s a picture of the form I use to track my goals throughout the year. Yes, I know it has a copyright date of 1991. I’ve probably been using this form that long. I write in pencil so I can erase or adjust as the year progresses.

I do want to point out that I’m not talking about the SMART (Specific-Measurable-Attainable-Relevant-Timely) goals you might use on a job. Nope. These goals are for yourself and are meant to be fun while also moving you forward in your personal development.

You can make your own personal goal template or find one on the internet. I’ve also seen personal goal journals. The point is that whatever you use, take care not to make it difficult or too involved to maintain.

Some of my goals will take more than a year or two to complete. Maybe you’ll have some goals that take that long or longer. And that’s okay.

But here’s the thing . . .

I think it’s important to note your progress along the way — even if it’s just a mental note — no matter if it’s a short-term or a long-term goal. There’s something satisfying about checking things off as you go along. Something about F-E-E-L-I-N-G the progress. Right?

Tracking your progress helps you keep track of yourself. It’s about keeping yourself responsible for what you want to accomplish in your life, for being the best you. Setting goals and working toward them is about making your dreams come true. It’s about your satisfaction with life. It’s about your happiness.

One of my favorite quotes of all time is this:

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

― Henry David Thoreau

Working on your personal goals is at the foundation of Y-O-U.

Now, get to work . . . and



while you do it.

Before you go . . .

I designed the cover, Donna Clement took the photo, and Luis H. Ruiz chose the font colors and sizes and placed the text where I told him to. I’m bossy that way.

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And if you really, really liked it, you might want to check out my ebook, The Grapes of Dementia: My Journey of Love, Loss, Surrender, and Gratitude, available through Amazon.



Wren Wright
Wren Wright

Written by Wren Wright

Writing mostly to heal myself from life; sharing in hopes you’ll find some of it helpful. Also books, personal development, and anything else I’m drawn to.

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